Minor methods
Here, the mothods not yet adopted to this project are written.
Changing Strobe and Pulse length (Delayed)
- By Magnus
If the duration and delay of strobe and pulse is too small to collect all signals from electric-hole pais by incident partice, then the evolution of cluster could be observed.
The previous expeirments observed final stats of cluster, this is experiment about the flow of electric signal by electron-hole pair.
But following points should be solved:
- Set proper configuration of strobe and pulse
- Making a function finding relation of intra-events in programming.
- How to convert it as information
And I think it is similar but slightly different question.
Comparing with APTS (Delayed)
Because APTS omits analogue signal, the amount of electron signal in each pixel can be obtained.
The amount of electron-hole pair generated from deposit energy by incident particle can be calculated.
So the value between generated electron and collected electron could be important information.
But following points should be solved:
- APTS size is smaller than cluster size by alpha particle.
- The pulse shape of APTS is broken when alpha particle incident to APTS.
- ALPIDE and APTS has different pixel pitch and MAPS structure.
The first and second one could be solved if the distance between source and detector is far. (By prof.)
By the air, after alpha particle losing its energy, the small energy only is deposited to silicon detector.
Finding proper energy region to make small cluster size and not to break pulse is key point.